For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.


Updated: 8/19/24 




2024 – 2025 





2209 Duck Slough Blvd. 

New Port Richey, FL 34655 


Telephone:  727-774-9900 
Fax:  727-774-9991 
Absentee line:  727-774-9905 



Web Address: 





Adam Wolin                                 Julie Devine  

   Principal                               Asst. Principal 



Dear Families, 


Welcome to the new school year!  We are excited that your child will spend the next year growing and learning with us at Trinity Elementary School. The teachers are ready for a successful and productive year with your child.   


Each staff member is committed to ensuring that each student receives the highest quality education possible.  To this end, we ask you to take an active role in your child’s education by conferencing regularly with your child’s teacher, checking your child’s folder daily, and providing a quiet place for homework. Email is a great way to stay in regular contact.   All teachers can be reached via our school’s website.  We look forward to a successful partnership with you and your family this school year. 


We have prepared this handbook to help you understand the operation and policies of the school.  Please read and reference this handbook during the school year.  Also, please be sure to thoroughly read the Code of Student Conduct for Elementary Students, which can found on the Pasco County website, under “Student Supports.” These policies have been developed by the District School Board of Pasco County in accordance with state guidelines. Following these policies is in the best interest of your child.  The District discipline guidelines are found within the Code of Conduct. All students have a right to a free & appropriate education.    


We share an important interest in your child. Your cooperation and communication will help us provide the best possible learning environment for your child.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 



Adam Wolin, Principal 

Julie Devine, Assistant Principal      


Pasco County Schools: Providing a world-class education for all students. 


We, as Trinity Elementary Trailblazers, will provide a safe, positive, and collaborative learning environment in which all students will be challenged through research-based curriculum and instruction to reach their highest potential. 


Children will be provided with innovative educational experiences that will enable them to become seekers of new ideas and knowledge in our changing world. 


MASCOT: Trailblazer 


Each Friday is “SPIRIT DAY.”  Students are encouraged to wear Trinity colors, which are green and orange or a school t-shirt. 





Student Day:  9:50 – 4:00 



  • Dismissal will staggered by transportation method 
  • Walkers with Parents & Bus Riders 
  • Bike Riders/Walkers on Own & PLACE 
  • Car Riders  



Buses are scheduled to arrive at Trinity at 9:35 a.m. Instructional time begins at 9:50 am. Students riding their bicycles, walking, or being driven should plan on arriving at school no earlier than 9:35 a.m. Breakfast can be purchased between 9:35-9:50 in our school cafeteria. Supervision of children who are dropped off or who arrive earlier than 9:35 a.m. is unavailable, therefore please develop a plan to monitor your child and/or time their arrival appropriately.  Students will exit from the buses at 9:35 a.m.  Students who arrive at school after 9:50 a.m. are considered tardy and must be escorted by an adult to the office for check in. 



Due to the unpredictable Florida weather, rainy day dismissal will be based on student safety. When it is unsafe for students and staff, we reserve the right to stagger/hold dismissal, until conditions improve. Please be patient and flexible, and know we will communicate the changes to you, when possible. Please remember that the majority of the time, the severe rainstorms let up quickly and students are dismissed their usual way. 




Students who are being picked up early for appointments or an early release, must be cleared to leave the school through the front office. All parents/guardians must pick up their children in the office. Teachers will not release students without the authorization of the office. Parents/guardians are to remain in the office until the child arrives for dismissal. Students will be released only to those individuals listed on the emergency information card that is provided to the school by the parent/guardian. A current photo identification of the person signing out a student(s) must be shown at the time of release. Students should not be picked up for early dismissal after 3:00 p.m. due to interference with school dismissal and heavy traffic conditions, unless it is an emergency. The end of the day is very busy, and to ensure that we can safely account for all students and their individualized dismissals, we ask that you adhere to this policy. 


If you are changing your student’s dismissal, please complete the Shuttle Pass MACH Form on our website before 2:00 p.m.  






Students will be picked up and dropped off at their designated bus stop only. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than their assigned bus. Should a situation arise where you need to contact the Transportation Department, the telephone number is (727) 774-0400.  Please have the bus number of your child’s bus when calling. 



The following are guidelines for parents who drive their children to and from school. They are designed for the safety and welfare of our children. Please help us to ensure the children’s safety by practicing these guidelines: 


  1. Please remain in your car in the car loop (not in the parking lot). Cars are not to be left unattended. 
  1. Please hang your child’s name (car tag) from the rearview mirror. If you need additional tags for other vehicles, please let the office know. Carpools should list all student names on tags. 
  1. Always be aware of students walking on the sidewalks. Remind your children not to step off of the curb until your car comes to a complete stop. 
  1. Please follow the directions of the supervising adults and/or Safety Patrol. 
  1. Children are to enter and exit from the passenger side of the vehicle ONLY. Please ensure all boosters, car seats, etc. are located behind the driver’s seat and not blocking the child entering. If you need to check that your child is properly secured, please pull forward out of the loading zone, prior to doing so. For safety reasons and to maintain the flow of the loop, adults are to remain in the car at all times. Trinity staff will be available to assist students. 
  1. For the safety of everyone, we ask that animals be left at home. However, if you must have your animal in the car, please ensure that they are secure and are not able to exit the doors that our staff and safety patrols will be opening.  
  1. When visiting or volunteering, parents are to use the staff parking lot. Visitors and volunteers are asked to leave campus by 3:00 in order to prepare for dismissal. *Please note: All vehicles in the visitor parking lot during dismissal will remain parked in the visitor parking lot until all walkers and bike riders have exited the area. According to Florida statutes and the Florida Department of Transportation Management “Vehicle and pedestrian traffic are prevented from crossing each other on the site…” 
  1. The center parking is designated “Staff Parking Only” and closed to traffic during arrival and dismissal. 
  1. In the interest of student safety, students who do not live in our walk zone must be picked up in the car loop. Families may NOT park and walk up to retrieve their child(ren) during dismissal. 
  1. State law prohibits drivers from using cell phones while picking up and dropping off children in the car loop. 


Finally, please be aware that during arrival and dismissal times, vehicles may only make a right hand turn onto Duck Slough, due to the extreme volume, so please plan your route accordingly. 



Walkers, bikers, and scooters must utilize the sidewalk the entire way from the entrance to campus to the side walker’s gate. No one should be riding a bike or scooter on campus grounds at any time. The expectation is bikes and scooters are walked for safety while on school property. At no time should students/families cut through the parking lot, as this is our bus loop and has vehicles actively moving. In addition, please note that there is no parking in the school parking lots for arrival/dismissal (vehicles may not park and walk their child to/from the walker’s gate). 


Bike Riders and Walkers should time their arrival on campus for 9:35, as staff supervision is not available prior to that time. Should a student arrive early, the expectation is that they wait quietly until the bell rings. It is not perrmissable to play football, soccer, baseball, or any other sports/games due to safety reasons. Please note that due to both student safety and wellness (allergies, etc.), pets are not allowed on campus, with the exception of documented service animals. 


The school is not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes. It is a “PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK” policy. Florida Law requires all students to wear a bike safety helmet. All pedestrians, including both parents and students must remain on the sidewalk which goes around the visitor parking lot when arriving or leaving school grounds during arrival and dismissal. 




  1. Bikes and scooters must be placed in the bike rack.
  2. Secure your bike or scooter with a bike lock.
  3. Walk beside your bike on the sidewalk when coming/going from the bike rack.
  1. Tampering with another person’s bike or bike lock is prohibited. This includes deliberately knocking another bike to the ground.*The rider may receive a warning from the school staff or the Sheriff’s Office.  A referral can be given and bicycle privileges may be revoked if behavior is unsafe. 



Before and after school care: Pasco Learning and Activity Centers of Enrichment (P.L.A.C.E.) is an affordable before and after school child care program offered to parents by the District School Board of Pasco County. The program is available for children in kindergarten through fifth grade at this school, Monday through Friday (6:30 AM. until school starting time and after school until 6:00 PM). In addition, full-day childcare is provided on teacher planning days, during winter and spring breaks, and throughout the summer.  


PLACE families may not access the side gate/PLACE parking with their vehicles until 4:00 p.m., the official dismissal time for the typical school day. Vehicles entering prior to 4:00 p.m. pose potential safety risks as they can interfere with the flow of walkers, cars, and buses exiting the school.  Students enrolled in PLACE will not be dismissed from PLACE in the afternoon before 4:20 p.m., aligning with the conclusion of our standard dismissal process.   


Please call P.L.A.C.E. at (727) 774-9992 for further information. 





If a student is going to be absent, please notify the school by calling the absentee line at (727) 774-9905. If you are unable to call in the absence, please send a note/email with your child on the first day that they return to school. The note should state the date your child was absent, your child’s name and the reason your child was absent. If a student is absent three consecutive days and the school hasn’t been notified, school personnel will call the parent/guardian to verify absences. Vacations are not accepted as approved absences and will be marked as Non-Excused. Students absent for extended periods may be referred to the social worker, principal and/or the State Attorney. 



Make-up work can be coordinated for all excused absences when deemed appropriate by the classroom teacher. Many lessons cannot be provided for makeup, as it is necessary to have the teacher directed instruction prior to being able to engage in the work. Often times, the makeup work for daily absences will be to complete digital lessons and/or electronic platforms that have built in tutorials and student practice opportunities. The teacher will communicate the expectation for work when/if students are absent. For an extended absence, please communicate in advance to provide time for the teacher to determine what would best benefit your child during their absence. Teachers may require 48-hours to prepare any physical work that they are putting together for students to complete at home, following an absence from school. Ideally, we want students at school to the extent possible, so they can experience the quality education from our staff and the guidance and instructional support required to complete their assignments.  



Our primary communication tools are through our website, email, and REMIND App. All staff members are available to you via email. To find our staff’s email, please visit our school’s website at Staff will respond to you within 24-hours or on the following Monday after a weekend.  


Please make certain that we have telephone number(s) where you (the parent/guardian) may be reached during the school day.  In addition, please make certain that we have the phone number of an emergency contact person whom we could reach in the event that we were unable to contact you. Please make sure you have the most up to date information input into the myStudent/Parent Portal platforms. 


Please feel free to contact the school office at (727) 774-9900 between the hours of 8:50 AM – 4:30 PM with any questions or concerns.  


Students will contact their parent/guardian by phone during the school day should a problem arise which would necessitate an immediate parent contact. Students will not be permitted to use the school phones, or personal cell phones, except in cases of emergency. It is not appropriate to contact your student on their personal device during school hours, as it may interrupt a lesson or testing scenario. If you need to get a hold of your student, please contact the main office and we will gladly facilitate contact.  


Parent/Teacher conferences are encouraged. Each time a parent attends a conference in school, the teacher will complete a conference form, which summarizes the conference. Please arrange for conferences in advance. Teachers may not confer with parents during class time.  



Breakfast and lunch are served in the cafeteria daily. These meals meet the guidelines set forth by the U. S. Government for the school food service program. 


Students will need to learn their six-digit student identification number to enter into the computerized food service system. 


Applications for the Free and Reduced priced meals are available online at Meals are to be paid for until you receive notification that your child(ren) are eligible to receive a free or reduced price meal. A student must have an approved family application in order to receive the free or reduced meals, otherwise the parent or guardian is responsible for providing their child’s meal. 


Please keep track of your student’s lunch balance so that your child does not experience any issues when purchasing lunch. You may monitor and set purchasing parameters at  


A la carte items/vending items, and snacks may be purchased when they are available. Students may carry their own lunches to school.  No glass containers or bottles, candy or carbonated beverages please. Please make sure that whatever items are packed for lunch have been practiced at home and your child can independently open/access. There is no opportunity for refrigeration or heating of items sent from home. Finally, all food items are to be consumed in the cafeteria.  


During lunch visits, parents and their child(ren) must sit outside at the designated picnic tables. Only your child that you are visiting may eat with you during lunch. Friends and students who are extended family, are not permitted. Lunch visitors are to leave prior to their child’s recess time, so each child will be granted time to socialize with peers and participate in movement activities. We are unable to accommodate lunch visitors on rainy days, so please plan accordingly.  





  • Walk quietly into the serving line 
  • Go through the serving line in an orderly manner 
  • Key in your I.D. number on the keypad and purchase snack items 
  • Get all condiments before going to your seat 
  • Sit at the assigned table 
  • Stay seated and eat your lunch using appropriate table manners 
  • When dismissed walk to the recycling area 
  • Dispose of everything in the appropriate place 
  • Walk to the recess line and line up single file 
  • Walk silently and in single file to the recess area 



Expectations are posted in the cafeteria in multiple locations and reviewed daily the first two weeks of school with all students, as well as the week when students return following Winter Break.  





Please reference and review the school matrix that is found at the end of this document.  


Trinity Elementary implements a school-wide behavior management plan. Administration presents the School Behavior Matrix & Code of Conduct to students at the start of the school year, so all students may be made aware of expectations and possible consequences.  


Please remember that our actions involving disciplinary measures are meant to correct inappropriate school behaviors and teach appropriate behavior/social behavior.  Our goal (the school’s and the parent’s) is common: to produce happy, healthy, well-adjusted individuals who will lead successful adult lives.  Please support our school’s efforts to have students behave appropriately while at school and on the school bus. 


Trinity Elementary will implement a social skills program for the purpose of enhancing the students’ ability to use intervention steps to make a good choice in a supportive school environment, which enhances their self-esteem through parent/teacher involvement. 



Please refer to the Code of Student Conduct for Elementary Students for district wide dress code. 




We are proud to be an important part of community life.  The school reaches out to the community in the following ways: 



The School Advisory Council (SAC) is composed of parents, volunteers, teachers, support staff, administrators, and business partners. The SAC participates in identifying school needs and assists in preparation and evaluation of the school’s annual School Success Plan (SuP).  



To chaperone a field trip, you must be an approved volunteer. Our volunteer program is intended to involve members of the community in the school.  Please get involved in the volunteer program.  Chances are that you will see your friends and neighbors here! **All volunteers must complete a volunteer application every year. The application can be found online at This application must be completed each year after July 1stThe process includes a local law enforcement check. This process can take from 4-6 weeks, and we are unable to allow volunteers on campus until the process is complete.  


All visitors and volunteers must report to the front office and state their reason for being at the school.  Visitors and volunteers will be required to wear a badge at all times, while on campus.  All visitors and volunteers must provide their driver’s license to school personnel and be scanned through our Raptor database EVERY TIME THEY ARRIVE ON CAMPUS. 


The Trinity Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) will be responsible for developing and coordinating various school programs and activities. Please join the PTO during the annual membership drive. 



Community service organizations and Trinity families may contact the school guidance counselor at (727)774-9908 if they wish to provide support to families in our community who are in need of such services. This is done through our ABC program.   



Please note that the District has set forth a Respect and Civility Policy for all campuses (See back for policy). The expectation is that all staff, families, and community members adhere to the guidelines of the policy in order to maintain positive communications and interactions. If for any reason an individual does not adhere to the policy, communications will be stopped and/or may be rescheduled for a later time/date.  




Cumulative educational records (cum) are maintained by the school for each student who is enrolled. The cum record includes all data that is collected concerning an individual student. The cum is updated at the conclusion of each school year or when a student withdraws from the school. Parents/Guardians may review the contents of the cum by making an appointment. 




At Trinity Elementary School, curriculum and instruction are based on the Florida B.E.S.T. Standards. To view the standards for your child’s grade, visit the FLDOE website. As a school, we use a variety of instructional resources including textbooks and technology-based materials to meet the learning needs of our students. Information regarding materials can be found on the Pasco Schools website. We believe in using current, research-based practices to meet the needs of all of our learners.  Our goal is for every child to reach their highest potential.   




Please make us aware of any health problems that your child may have.  You may either call the school or stop in the clinic when you are at the school. 




All medication must be brought to school by the parent/guardian in the original prescription container and will be maintained in the school’s clinic.  The only medication that will be dispensed at school must meet the following guidelines: 


  1. Student name on medication 
  1. Name of medication (only regulated medications will be administered at school) 
  1. Dosage prescribed (if dosage changes, a new prescription bottle must be provided) 
  1. Time of day medication is to be taken 
  1. Physician’s name 
  1. Special instructions 
  1. Date of prescription (current, within one year) 


A written statement (authorization for medication administration) must be completed by the parent/guardian, granting the school permission to assist in the administration of such medication and which shall explain the necessity for such medication to be provided during the school day, including any occasion when the student is away from school property on official business. 


*Note: The parent/guardian is expected to obtain the needed dose/doses of medication for field trips, in a separate, appropriately labeled prescription container, or use the entire bottle of medication. This will be sent with a trained person to be administered on the field trip. Under no circumstances may medication be transferred from one container or another by anyone other than a registered pharmacist (i.e. no pills are to be placed in envelopes or baggies). 


Non prescription medication will not be dispensed by the school, unless accompanied by a physician’s statement, and dated within the current year. Please do not send nonprescription medication with your child.  It will be confiscated and returned only to the parent. Staff members other than the Nurse or Clinic Assistant may not dispense medication. Over the counter medications, cough drops, allergy supports, etc. may not be carried by students. 


According to Florida Law, students who are returning to school after having a communicable illness must be authorized to do so by a recognized health agent.  





Lost and found items are kept in a designated area. We encourage you to label your child’s backpacks, lunch boxes, jackets, sweaters, coats, etc. to help us return items. Unclaimed items will be donated to local charities after one month. 



  • Student birthdays will be recognized on school announcements. 
  • If you are interested in celebrating your child’s birthday, you must order treats from our cafeteria. Due to health and safety regulations, you may NOT bring in any outside treats (store bought or homemade) for birthday celebrations. The ordering link can be found by visiting the Pasco County website, under the Food and Nutrition link, where you will find the “For Parents” dropdown menu. Once there, you will find the “School Celebration” link. A minimum of 10-school days prior notice is required.  



Students are provided with a mid-quarter progress report 4 times per year and a report card 4 times per yearProgress reports and report cards will only be available online through the Parent Portal on the myStudent platform. It is critical that families activate their portal and review it regularly to stay updated on their student(s) progress. 


Please note that the Trinity handbook and policies are subject to change, due to updates, mandates, and campus needs. Please note that administration has the final authority to set and update policies and procedures as needed.  


















Introduction The education of a child happens only through a partnership between the student, School and District personnel, parent(s) or guardian(s), and the community. Partnership is an active state that includes sharing responsibilities, having meaningful communication, and welcoming participation. People will not always agree, and that can make partnerships difficult. Partnerships are most powerful when we agree on how to disagree. All stakeholders must remain civil in their discourse. The purpose of this policy is to provide rules of conduct for students, employees, parents, and visiting members of the public which permit and encourage effective communication between all stakeholders, while at the same time enabling the Board to identify and deal with those behaviors that are inappropriate and disruptive to the operation of a school or other District facility. It is not the intent of the Board to deprive any person of his/her right to freedom of expression, and nothing contained in this policy is intended to restrict or chill an individual’s free speech rights as determined by the forum in which the speech occurs. Public participation at school board meetings shall continue to be governed by Board Policy 0169.1 – Public Participation at School Board Meetings.  


Expected Level of Behavior  

  1. School and School District personnel will treat students, parents, other members of the public, and each other with courtesy and respect. 
  2. Students, parents, members of the public, and visitors to schools and District facilities will treat teachers, school administrators, other school staff, District employees, and each other with courtesy and respect. 


Unacceptable/Disruptive Behavior Disruptive behavior includes, but is not necessarily limited to,  

  1. behavior which interferes with or threatens to interfere with the operation of a school, a classroom, an employee’s office or office area, District buses and vehicles, other District campuses or property, or a school or District event; 
  2. using loud and/or offensive language, swearing, cursing, using profane language, or displays of temper; 
  3. threatening to do bodily or physical harm, whether or not the behavior constitutes or may constitute a criminal violation;
  4. damaging or destroying school or Board property; E. any other behavior which disrupts the orderly operation of a school, a school classroom, or any other Board facility; or F. abusive, threatening, or obscene phone calls, e-mails, voice mail messages, or other vexatious verbal/written communications. 


Authority of School Personnel 

  1. Authority to Direct Persons to Leave School or Board Premises Any individual who displays the following behavior may be directed to leave the school or Board premises by a school’s principal or assistant principal, or in their absence a person who is lawfully in charge of the school, any district-level administrator, the District’s Chief of Safety and Security or designee, or a School Safety Guard  
  1. disrupts or threatens to disrupt school or District operations;  
  1. threatens to or attempts to do or does physical harm to Board personnel, students, or others lawfully on a school or Board premises; 
  2. threatens the health or safety of students, Board personnel, or others lawfully on a school or Board premises; 4. intentionally causes damage to school, Board property, or property of others lawfully on a school campus or Board premises;
  3. uses excessively loud or offensive language; or 
  4. without authorization comes on a school or other Board property or facility. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the administrator or other authorized personnel shall seek the assistance of law enforcement and request that law enforcement take such action as is deemed necessary. If the offender threatens personal harm, the employee may contact law enforcement. Based on the severity and/or frequency of any of the above listed behaviors, an administrator may impose additional future restrictions on an offending individual (e.g. trespass, limitations on interaction with certain school personnel in the future, etc.). 


  1. Authority to Deal with Persons Who Are Verbally Abusive If any member of the public uses obscenities or speaks in a demanding, excessively loud, insulting, and/or demeaning manner, the employee to whom the remarks are directed shall calmly and politely warn the speaker to communicate civilly. If the verbal abuse continues, the employee to whom the remarks are directed may, after giving appropriate notice to the speaker, terminate the meeting, conference, or telephone conversation. If the meeting or conference is on a school or Board premises, any employee may request that an administrator or other authorized personnel direct the speaker to promptly leave the premises. If the person refuses to leave the premises as directed, the administrator or other authorized personnel shall seek the assistance of law enforcement and request that law enforcement take such action as is deemed necessary. If the employee is threatened with personal harm, the employee may contact law enforcement.


  1. Abusive, Threatening, or Obscene E-mails or Voice Mail Messages If any District employee receives an email or voice mail message which is abusive, threatening, or obscene, the employee is not obligated to respond to the email or return the telephone call. The employee may save the message and contact their Administrator (Principal or Director). The Administrator will try to resolve the issue and should advise the sender of this civility policy and then send a copy of the policy to them via email or mail. If further guidance is needed the Administrator could contact the District Chief of Safety and Security for further guidance. If any type of written or verbal threat of harm is directed towards an employee, the employee may contact law enforcement.  


Stakeholder Recourse Any parent, visitor, student, or member of the public who believes they have been subjected to unacceptable/disruptive or retaliatory behavior on the part of a staff member should notify the staff member’s immediate supervisor who shall review the complaint and take appropriate action. Nothing contained in this policy shall impair a parent, visitor, student, or other member of the public’s right to file a complaint or seek other recourses specifically provided for by law or Board Policy, and nothing contained in this policy is intended to diminish the behavioral or performance expectations established for staff members by law, Board Policy, or District Procedures.  


Criminal Liability Florida Statute 877.13 makes it unlawful for any person:  

  1. Knowingly to disrupt or interfere with the lawful administration or functions of any educational institution, school board, or activity on school board property in this state. 
  2. Knowingly to advise, counsel, or instruct any school pupil or school employee to disrupt any school or school board function, activity on school board property, or classroom. 
  3. Knowingly to interfere with the attendance of any other school pupil or school employee in a school or classroom. 
  4. To conspire to riot or to engage in any school campus or school function disruption or disturbance which interferes with the educational processes or with the orderly conduct of a school campus, school, or school board function or activity on school board property. 


This statute applies to all educational institutions, school boards, and functions or activities on school board property; however, nothing herein shall deny public employees the opportunity to exercise their rights pursuant to part II of chapter 447. Any person who violates the provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in F.S. 775.082 or F.S. 775.083